Then after a few days, I had lucid dreamed perfectly, everytime I sleep, but it only last for 2 weeks, then after that it was really hard again to be lucid. Then I woke up, refresh, relieved, then I went back to sleep.
One of my worst experience, but also one that made me feel like I can handle anything (stronger) was I was running from something or someone, theres this 2 figures, then theres this hallway full of doors, its just basically hundreds of doorways, each is locked, and I had hundreds of keys, and I need to open and close them just to breath just to "get away" whatevers coming for me, then I reached the end, It was just an empty room, with nothing in it, literally nothing, its just space, a void, boundless, theres no left or right, up and down, an the doorway I came from is no longer existing, but I can tell that the thing thats trying to get me is now WAY bigger, I was just so small, it made me feel that I couldnt run anymore, back then I think, fight or flight sense triggered, at the same time I cant breathe at all, it feels like its been 10sec or more me holding my breathe, but looking back I think it was just 3-4 secs, then at that time I literally told myself "fuck it" "take me" and literally me running towards what I was running away from. I know saying things like try to stay calm or tell yourself that it isnt real is just normal, however I also know that just like any "feelings" we have this impulses to "react" to something, same thing with scary stuffs, so being scared of those nightmares really are bad. Literally me, years ago, for months, made me think of a conclusion that when youre dreaming youre like hanging on a thread while youre underwater, and youre trying to get out, pulling yourself way to fast could potentially snap the thread and you will fall to the depths of knowhere, thats where lucid nightmares start. Has anyone else experienced this? How do you deal with it? It's like I'm in a theatre play, able to change how the current act pans out, but the play itself is out of my control. My usual tricks to make myself wake up for real usually don't work in the lucid nightmares, either. Then again, I can even have false awakenings from a lucid nightmare into a non-lucid dream, and as that dream starts "cracking" into a nightmare, I regain lucidity. until my newly constructed environment changes on its own, while I'm still lucid and some other nightmareish thing happens.

I might dream I'm avoiding some creepy monster from Alien, gain lucidity, then do my usual tricks to alter the environment such as either change location/topic/mood or even universe or simply do a hand gesture to will the creature out of existence. IMO, gaining lucidity in a nightmare is THE WORST. Hey, I'm a long-time subscriber who used to participate actively several years ago.